
MMP have been involved with numerous projects Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital for many years, including construction of building facilities and refurbishment & upgrade works, all within a live hospital environment. A summary of some selected projects are listed below:

New Administration Offices

Extension, and conversion of existing toilets, to the front entrance to Cappagh Hospital, forming a new admissions office and waiting area.

Recovery Unit, CDU & Theatre Refurbishment

Construction of a new 12 Bed recovery Unit & Clinical Decision Unit (CDU), completion of link corridors to new buildings, and the refurbish to the existing Theatre and entrance to the main hospital corridor

High Dependency Unit (HDU)

Feasibility Study for a new High Dependency Unit (HDU) comprising eight beds, plus two number isolation rooms and associated rooms

St. Michaels Hall Refurbishment & OPD/ CDU Fit-Out

Refurbishment of the existing St. Michaels Hall, fit-out of the Central Decontamination Unit (CDU),  provision of link , extension to the Out Patients Department (OPD), complete fit out of the new OPD, new roofing to existing, demolitions and alteration, new structural elements and associated siteworks. The CDU facility is the first of its kind in Ireland and offers decontamination and sterilisation services to the broader healthcare sector.

 Other Works Projects:

  • Alterations and Upgrade works to Convent Buildings

Client: Board of Governors

Service: Cost Management & Feasibility Services

Scale: Various Projects